Why Attend Law School? Dr. Luiza Pislaru Explains

Dr. Luiza Pislaru on Law School

The stereotypical law student is young, ambitious, argumentative and just a bit cocky. These are the students who sit at the front of the class, studiously taking notes and challenging the teacher at every turn. These are the students who seem to love to win an argument, and will go to great lengths to humiliate their opponents until their case is won. While there certainly may be law students who fit into this narrow description, there are other students who seem to highlight the importance of law, and the benefits of law school, for almost everyone. Dr. Luiza Pislaru is one of these students.

Dr. Luiza Pislaru holds a degree in internal medicine and she has a thriving practice. As a doctor, she is required to be caring and she must have excellent listening skills. She is obviously quite intelligent, but she isn’t known for being combative. In other words, she doesn’t fit the stereotype of a law student, and yet, she also holds a law degree.

According to Dr. Luiza Pislaru, the study of law could be beneficial to almost anyone. People who study the law learn how to look at an issue from both sides, and use logic to help them decide which position is more defensible. This is a skill that comes in handy in Dr. Pislaru’s medical career, as it allows her to quickly compare two forms of treatment and make a good decision. In addition, there are many areas in which the law and medicine intersect. Medical facilities need to write legal documents such as privacy policies and informed consent documents, and Dr. Pislaru’s legal degree helps her do this well.

While it’s easy to see why a doctor would benefit from a law degree, Dr. Luiza Pislaru believes that almost anyone could benefit from the study of the law. As she explains, laws are really rules that outline how people should behave and interact with one another. It’s an outline of good behavior and community, and laws can help people understand how they should interact with and respect one another. Understanding the law means understanding what it means to live in harmony with others, and that’s a valuable enterprise for anyone to engage in. Dr. Luiza Pislaru has certainly benefitted from the experience, and she hopes that more people will be inspired to study the law on their own.

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Getting Into Law School: Advice From Dr. Luiza Pislaru

It’s common for high school and college students to dream of becoming lawyers one day. These dreams are easy to understand. With a law degree, people can make a good living, and they may even be able to work for themselves, taking cases that interest them and refusing cases they don’t find as intriguing. This combination of wealth and independence could make a legal career seem appealing. But in order to start this career, students need to get into medical school, and as Dr. Luiza Pislaru knows, this task might be hard for some students to accomplish. While getting into law school might be difficult, Dr. Luiza Pislaru suggests that some students may emphasize all of the wrong things in their attempt to gain entry into the school of their dreams.

Like most people who attend law school, Dr. Luiza Pislaru had excellent grades as an undergraduate. She took challenging courses, and she always made sure to ask for assistance with concepts she wasn’t quite sure she could master alone. While these grades certainly helped to sharpen her mind, and they did make her application a bit more impressive, Dr. Pislaru suggests that they weren’t the most important part of her law school application.

Before students can apply to law school, they must take an exam known as the LSAT (law school admission test). This is a standardized test, graded in the same way for all applicants. Some students seem to approach this test with nonchalance, Dr. Pislaru says, and this is a trend that could cost these students their future. The LSAT scores are incredibly important to admissions offices, and high scores could completely obliterate mediocre grades. High grades, however, can’t overwrite a low LSAT score.

When students ask Dr. Luiza Pislaru for advice on law school admissions, she often tells them to take LSAT preparatory courses, to help them really understand how the test works, and how they can succeed at taking the test. The courses can be expensive, but Dr. Pislaru believes that the test is so important that the fees are well worth the benefits a high score can bring. Dr. Pislaru also encourages students to proofread, and then ask a friend to proofread, their admissions documents and entrance essays. Lawyers simply must know the fundamentals of good grammar, and they must be able to write well, and students who cannot demonstrate these skills in their applications may be eliminated from the pool as a result.

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Health While Running

Dr. Luiza Pislaru Discusses Health While Running

Dr. Luiza Pislaru has an extensive training in internal medicine, and she’s a well-respected member of the medical community. She is also a talented marathon runner, who was qualified to run in the prestigious ING New York City Marathon in 2012. During a marathon, Dr. Pislaru is always concerned with her own time and her own performance, but she often finds that her medical training occupies her thoughts as she runs, as she sees many people taking risks during a marathon that could be detrimental to their health.

Running in a marathon puts enormous strain on the body. A standard marathon is 26 miles, and without training, that’s not a distance most people could even walk comfortably. In order to properly prepare for a marathon, Dr. Luiza Pislaru must spend months on training, beginning with very short distances and slowly working up to longer distances. She always rests between her workouts, to allow her body to heal from the damage the workouts can cause. This is the proper way to train, and it’s the method that is constantly advocated by fitness experts and by organizations that hold marathons, and yet, Dr. Luiza Pislaru knows that many people do not follow this advice. They begin training much too late, trying to push their bodies up to a level of fitness much too quickly. When race day arrives, these people are simply not prepared. Other people they begin training too early and they don’t give themselves time to rest between workouts. These people often drop out before the race even begins, due to injury.

According to Dr. Luiza Pislaru, the medical problems don’t stop when the training portion of a marathon is over. In fact, some people engage in destructive behaviors during the race itself. For example, most marathons provide runners with fluids at cooling stations throughout the race. Runners can grab fluids and drink them without stopping. It’s a great way to stay hydrated and cool, but Dr. Pislaru sees many runners skip station after station as they worry the stops will slow down their time. These runners are flirting with danger, as dehydration could disqualify them from running altogether.

Runners should also pay more attention to their form, says Dr. Luiza Pislaru. People who run on the tips of their toes, for example, or people who turn out on their ankles as they run, could be putting extreme stress on their shins and knees, and this could lead to sprains and strains down the road.

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